Regulation of Dangerous Goods

Main Content

Chapter 1.3 Interpretations

Aggregate EQ

In the Code, unless otherwise specified:


“Aggregate EQ” 1, in relation to the storage or conveyance of multiple types of DG, means the following quantities:


For storage of multiple types of DG:


General & Special Premises

Industrial Premises

Class 2 DG

300 L

(water capacity)

450 L

(water capacity)

Class 3 DG

100 L

150 L

Class 4, 5, 6.1, 8 or 9 DG (except Special Class 5.1, 6.1 or 8 DG)

100 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

1000 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

Special Class 5.1, 6.1 or 8 DG2

250 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

1000 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

Paint Materials

250 L

For conveyance of multiple types of DG:

Class 2 DG

300 L (water capacity)

Class 3 DG

100 L

Class 4, 5, 6.1, 8 or 9 DG (except Special Class 5.1, 6.1 or 8 DG)

100 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

Special Class 5.1, 6.1 or 8 DG

250 L (liquid) /kg (solid)

Paint Materials

250 L


1 Sections 10, 13, 17 and 22 of Cap. 295E.

2 Special Class 5.1 DG means: UN 1748, UN 2208, UN 2880, UN 3212, UN 3485, UN 3486 or UN 3487

Special Class 6.1 DG means: UN 1671, UN 2022, UN 2076, UN 2312, UN 2821, UN 3430 or UN 3455

Special Class 8 DG means: UN 1791 or UN 2693


“Box” means packaging with complete rectangular or polygonal faces, made of metal, wood, plywood, reconstituted wood, fibreboard, plastics, or other suitable materials.  Small holes for purposes such as ease of the handling or opening of the box or to meet classification provisions are permitted as long as they do not compromise the integrity of the packaging.


“Bag” means flexible packaging made of paper, plastic film, textiles, woven material, or other suitable materials.

Cap. 295E

“Cap. 295E” means the Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation 2012.

Cap. 295G

“Cap. 295G” means the Dangerous Goods (Control) Regulation.

Combination packaging

“Combination packaging” means a combination of packagings consisting of one or more inner packagings secured in an outer packaging.

Composite packaging

“Composite packaging” means packaging consisting of an outer packaging and an inner receptacle so constructed that the inner receptacle and the outer packaging form an integral packaging.  Once assembled, it remains thereafter an integrated single unit; it is filled, stored, conveyed and emptied as such.

Consumer packs

“Consumer packs”, in relation to S2DG, means—

(a) for pre-packed Schedule 2 dangerous goods—the capacity of the receptacle forming part of the pre-packed Schedule 2 dangerous goods does not exceed the maximum package size (if any) specified in column 9 of the table in Part 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E in relation to the dangerous goods; or

(b) for the dangerous goods that are contained directly without any form of intermediate containment in a receptacle—the capacity of the receptacle does not exceed the maximum package size (if any) specified in column 9 of the table in relation to the dangerous goods;

Control temperature

“Control temperature” means the maximum temperature at which certain substances (such as organic peroxides and self-reactive and related substances) can be safely handled during a prolonged period of time.

Dangerous Goods

“Dangerous Goods”(DG) means DG specified in Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E.

DG List

“DG List” means the DG Lists in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the Code.


Drum” means flat-ended or convex-ended cylindrical packaging made of metal, fibreboard, plastics, plywood or other suitable materials. This definition also includes packaging of other shapes, such as round taper-necked packagings, or pail-shaped packagings.  Wooden barrel and jerrican are not covered by this definition.

Effectively closed

Effectively closed” means liquid-tight closure.

Emergency temperature

Emergency temperature” means the temperature at which emergency procedures shall be implemented.

Filling ratio

Filling ratio” means:

(a) For liquefied gases and dissolved gases, the ratio of the mass of gas to the mass of water at 15°C that would fill completely a pressure receptacle fitted ready for use; and

(b) For compressed gases, the working pressure in a pressure receptacle.


“Flashpoint” is the lowest temperature of a liquid at which its vapour forms an ignitable mixture with air.

General exempt quantity

“General exempt quantity”(GEQ), in relation to S2DG, means the quantity specified in column 5 of the table in Part 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E in relation to those dangerous goods.

Hermetically sealed

“Hermetically sealed” means vapour-tight closure.

High pressure liquefied gas

“High pressure liquefied gas” means a gas with a critical temperature between -50°C and +65°C.


“IMDG Code” means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code published by the International Maritime Organization, as amended or revised by the Organization from time to time.

Industrial exempt quantity

“Industrial exempt quantity”(IEQ), in relation to S2DG, means the quantity specified in column 6 of the table in Part 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E in relation to those dangerous goods.


“Jerrican” means metal or plastics packaging of rectangular or polygonal cross-section.

Limited packs

“Limited packs”, in relation to S2DG, means—

(a) for pre-packed Schedule 2 dangerous goods—the capacity of the receptacle forming part of the pre-packed Schedule 2 dangerous goods does not exceed the limited quantity (if any) specified in column 8 of the table in Part 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E in relation to the dangerous goods; or

(b) for the dangerous goods that are contained directly without any form of intermediate containment in a receptacle—the capacity of the receptacle does not exceed the limited quantity (if any) specified in column 8 of the table in relation to the dangerous goods.

Low pressure liquefied gas

“Low pressure liquefied gas” means a gas with a critical temperature above +65°C.

Maximum capacity

Maximum capacity” means the maximum inner volume of receptacles or packagings expressed in litres.

Maximum net mass

“Maximum net mass” means the maximum net mass of contents in a single packaging or maximum combined mass of inner packagings and the contents thereof and is expressed in kilograms.

Non-refillable pressure receptacle

“Non-refillable pressure receptacle” means a pressure receptacle that:

(a) contains or has contained Class 2 S2DG; and

(b) is not constructed or intended to be refilled with Class 2 S2DG.


“Package means the complete product of the packing operation, consisting of the packaging and its contents.

Packaging and S2DG packaging

“Packaging” and “S2DG packaging” means any receptacle (including a receptacle that forms part of pre-packed S2DG), tank or material for receiving, holding or enclosing S2DG, but does not include any freight container, aircraft container or vehicle.

Pressure receptacle

“Pressure receptacle” means a receptacle used for containing Class 2 S2DG under pressure, other than a boiler or a pressure vessel as defined by section 2(1) of the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Ordinance (Cap. 56).

Proper shipping name

“Proper shipping name” refers to the description of a DG in CAPITAL letters (plus any numbers, Greek letters, “sec”, “tert”, and the letters m, n, o, p, which form an integral part of the name) as stated in column 2 of the DG List.


“S2DG” means Schedule 2 dangerous goods which are DG specified in Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E.

Securely closed

"Securely closed means so closed that dry contents cannot escape during normal handling.

Service equipment

"Service equipment" of a pressure receptacle means closure(s), manifold(s), piping, porous, absorbent or adsorbent materials and any structural devices, e.g. for handling.

Sift-proof packaging

"Sift-proof packaging means the packaging which is impermeable to dry contents, including fine solid material.

Special exempt quantity

“Special exempt quantity”(SEQ), in relation to S2DG, means the quantity specified in column 7 of the table in Part 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2 of Cap. 295E in relation to those dangerous goods.


“Suitable”, in relation to S2DG packaging, means the packaging is—

(a) well constructed so as to prevent any loss of contents from the S2DG packaging, unless the packaging is designed to release some contents for safety reason;

(b) in good condition;

(c) of such a character and construction that any interior surface with which the contents may come into contact is not adversely affected by the contents;

(d) capable of withstanding ordinary risks during storage, handling or conveyance; and

(e) capable of withstanding any pressure likely to be generated in it in the course of normal use.


“Tank” means a static tank or a reservoir used to contain S2DG.


“Tank-container” means a movable freight container designed for containing S2DG directly without any form of intermediate containment.

Test pressure

Test pressure” means the required pressure applied to a packaging during a pressure test for qualification or requalification.

Type of DG

Type of DG” 3 is identified by the combination of the following information of the DG:

(a) the UN number / HK number;

(b) the packing group (if any);

(c) proper shipping name;

(d) the class; and

(e) the subsidiary hazard (if any).


3 Section 3 of Cap. 295E.

UN number

“UN number” in relation to Schedule 2 dangerous goods, means the number specified in column 1 of the table in Part 2 or 3 of Schedule 2 in relation to the dangerous goods and preceded by the alphabets “UN”.

Working pressure

“Working pressure” (i) for a compressed gas, means the settled pressure at a reference temperature of 15°C in a pressure receptacle; (ii) for UN1001 acetylene, dissolved, means the calculated settled pressure at a uniform reference temperature of 15°C in an acetylene cylinder containing the specified solvent content and the maximum acetylene content; and (iii) for UN3374 acetylene, solvent free, means the working pressure which was calculated for the equivalent cylinder for UN1001 acetylene, dissolved.

Dangerous Goods