Regulation of Dangerous Goods

Main Content

Dangerous Goods Standing Committee

Self Photos / Files - icon-map Licensing and Certification Command Headquarters, 5/F, Fire Services Headquarters Building, 1 Hong Chong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon.
Self Photos / Files - icon-tel 2733 7617
Self Photos / Files - icon-fax 2367 3631


Assistant Director (Licensing and Certification), Fire Services Department (Chairperson ex officio)
Mr. CHEUNG Po-chung (Member)
Representing the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Mr. HO Yin-ming (Member)
Chemical Interests
Ms. CHAK Sin-ki (Member)
Shipping Interests
Ms. YU Yan-yue, Sophia (Member)
Petroleum Interests
Ms. WONG Lai-wah (Member)
Godown Interests
Director of Fire Services or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Director of Marine or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Director of Environmental Protection or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Government Chemist or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Director-General of Trade and Industry or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Commissioner for Labour or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Commissioner of Mines (Director of Civil Engineering and Development) or his / her representative (Member ex officio)
Executive Officer (Licensing and Certification), Fire Services Department (Secretary ex officio)



  1. To keep under review and to advise Government on Dangerous Goods Regulations.
  2. To advise Government on the classification, storage, handling, packing and marking standards of local commodities and the problem of Dangerous Goods arriving in Hong Kong under trade or proprietary names.
  3. To advise Government regarding the classification of any Dangerous Goods which may be submitted for examination. For this purpose, the Committee may cause sample of such goods to be analyzed.
  4. To advise Government regarding the packing of Dangerous Goods.
  5. To advise Government upon any other matter arising from the import, export, storage, manufacture, or use of Dangerous Goods.
  6. To advise Government on the emergency disposal of all categories of dangerous goods including methods of collection, conveyance and final burying, dumping at sea, burning, etc.


Summary of Notes of Dangerous Goods Standing Committee Meeting

Dangerous Goods