Fire and Ambulance Services Education Centre cum Museum
Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions

3Fire and Ambulance Services Education Centre cum Museum General House Rules


Welcome to the Fire and Ambulance Services Education Centre cum Museum (hereunder referred to as “the Museum”). Visitors are required to observe and comply with the following house rules:


  1. Members of the public may visit the Museum and participate in the activities of the Museum free-of-charge.
  2. Interested parties may submit online applications for individual or group visits. The minimum and maximum numbers of visitors per group are 20 and 60 respectively. No guided tour service will be arranged for individual or group visits. If the number of visitors who turn up is less than 20, the Museum has the right to refuse their entry and revoke the approved application without prior notice. Group/individual visitors should produce the confirmation letter or QR code issued by the Museum for entry registration.
  3. Trading by visiting groups/individuals, including but not limited to publication of commercial advertisements or use of Museum resources for profit, in any form related to the Museum is strictly forbidden in the Museum. If such above acts are found, the Museum has the right to dismiss the subject application, refuse entry of the groups/individuals in question or immediately terminate the visit without prior notice.
  4. Each visiting group must assign a responsible person and arrange a sufficient number of accompanying staff to ensure that all visitors in the group strictly adhere to this set of house rules and any other instructions by the Museum staff.
  5. The Fire and Ambulance Services Academy and the Museum do not provide parking spaces for visitors. Visitor coaches may park in the passing place outside the Museum and must leave immediately after picking up or dropping off.
  6. If the number of visitors on the date of visit or during any time slots that day exceeds the capacity limit, the Museum will arrange entry on a first-come-first-served basis depending on its capacity.
  7. No person shall wilfully/arbitrarily write upon, mark, soil or otherwise damage in any way whatever or destroy any wall, door, furniture, fitting or other thing in the Museum, or any exhibit. Visitors shall indemnify the Museum against any losses or damages of any furniture, fitting or other thing in the Museum or any exhibit, or expenses incurred to the Museum as a result of a breach of the house rules. The indemnity equals to an amount that the Museum considers sufficient to replace or repair such furniture, fitting, thing or exhibit.
  8. No protests or demonstrations are allowed in or outside the Museum. The Museum reserves the right to request anyone engaging in such acts to leave the Museum immediately. If necessary, the Museum may ask the Police to escort such person(s) off the Museum.
  9. No banners, buntings, flyers or advertisements in any form shall be displayed in the Museum without the permission of Museum staff.
  10. No promotional materials, souvenirs or give-away items shall be distributed in the Museum without the permission of Museum staff.
  11. Any person who wishes to carry out wedding, modeling or commercial photography/filming within the Museum’s parameters shall first submit an application to the Fire Services Headquarters and obtain permission.
  12. No person shall obstruct others in making photo/film shoots for private purposes. Tripods and flashlights shall not be used unless an application has been submitted and prior permission granted.
  13. Visitors should take ownership over their personal safety during the visit and heed the instructions of Museum staff. The Museum is not liable for any accident caused to the visitors, including, among others, loss of personal belongings or bodily harm.
  14. Visitors who feel unwell or are involved in an accident should seek assistance from Museum staff at once.
  15. Visitors should take care of their personal belongings. The Museum is not responsible for the safe custody of any personal belongings brought to or left in the premises, nor does it accept any liability for loss of any such belongings.
  16. If any person acts or behaves in such a way that causes nuisance to other visitors, Museum staff has the right to terminate his/her visit and ask him/her to leave the Museum immediately.
  17. No person shall wilfully obstruct members of Museum staff in the performance of their duty, or wilfully obstruct, disturb, interrupt or annoy any other visitors in the use of the Museum or of any of the facilities provided therein.
  18. Visitors shall not throw articles, use foul language or behave in a disorderly manner in the Museum.
  19. No loudspeakers shall be used in the Museum without permission by Museum staff.
  20. The Museum is equipped with security cameras for surveillance and recording purposes.
  21. Do not touch, take or use any exhibition facilities and equipment without approval.
  22. Smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed in the Museum.
  23. No animals, except guide dogs, are allowed in the Museum.
  24. If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted on the day of visit or during the course of the visit, the Museum will be closed and all group/individual visits cancelled. No compensatory arrangements will be made by the Museum for another visit. Applicants have to submit a fresh application online. The Museum will remain closed that day if the warning signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing time.
  25. If Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is in force before the normal opening time, the Museum will not be opened until the rainstorm warning is cancelled. The Museum will remain closed that day if the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before the normal closing time.
  26. All persons admitted to the Museum shall observe the above terms and conditions to ensure a smooth visit as they have indicated their agreement to the rules when submitting their applications. The Museum reserves the right to amend the above terms and conditions without prior notice. The Museum also reserves the right to decide on the final interpretation of these terms and conditions, as well as the right to accept or reject any applications.
  27. We welcome your comments on our services, and we take complaints very seriously. If you have any comments, please approach the Museum Reception in person, or contact us on FSD Hotline (852)2723 8787, by email at, by fax on (852)2311 0066, or by post to the Fire Services Department Headquarters, 1 Hong Chong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
  28. For information about the privacy policy of the Fire Services Department, please visit our website at the following URL:

    Welcome to the Fire and Ambulance Services Education Centre cum Museum (hereunder referred to as “the Museum”). Visitors are required to observe and comply with the following house rules:


    1. Members of the public may visit the Museum and participate in the activities of the Museum free-of-charge.
    2. Interested parties may submit online applications for individual or group visits. The minimum and maximum numbers of visitors per group are 20 and 60 respectively. No guided tour service will be arranged for individual or group visits. If the number of visitors who turn up is less than 20, the Museum has the right to refuse their entry and revoke the approved application without prior notice. Group/individual visitors should produce the confirmation letter or QR code issued by the Museum for entry registration.
    3. Trading by visiting groups/individuals, including but not limited to publication of commercial advertisements or use of Museum resources for profit, in any form related to the Museum is strictly forbidden in the Museum. If such above acts are found, the Museum has the right to dismiss the subject application, refuse entry of the groups/individuals in question or immediately terminate the visit without prior notice.
    4. Each visiting group must assign a responsible person and arrange a sufficient number of accompanying staff to ensure that all visitors in the group strictly adhere to this set of house rules and any other instructions by the Museum staff.
    5. The Fire and Ambulance Services Academy and the Museum do not provide parking spaces for visitors. Visitor coaches may park in the passing place outside the Museum and must leave immediately after picking up or dropping off.
    6. If the number of visitors on the date of visit or during any time slots that day exceeds the capacity limit, the Museum will arrange entry on a first-come-first-served basis depending on its capacity.
    7. No person shall wilfully/arbitrarily write upon, mark, soil or otherwise damage in any way whatever or destroy any wall, door, furniture, fitting or other thing in the Museum, or any exhibit. Visitors shall indemnify the Museum against any losses or damages of any furniture, fitting or other thing in the Museum or any exhibit, or expenses incurred to the Museum as a result of a breach of the house rules. The indemnity equals to an amount that the Museum considers sufficient to replace or repair such furniture, fitting, thing or exhibit.
    8. No protests or demonstrations are allowed in or outside the Museum. The Museum reserves the right to request anyone engaging in such acts to leave the Museum immediately. If necessary, the Museum may ask the Police to escort such person(s) off the Museum.
    9. No banners, buntings, flyers or advertisements in any form shall be displayed in the Museum without the permission of Museum staff.
    10. No promotional materials, souvenirs or give-away items shall be distributed in the Museum without the permission of Museum staff.
    11. Any person who wishes to carry out wedding, modeling or commercial photography/filming within the Museum’s parameters shall first submit an application to the Fire Services Headquarters and obtain permission.
    12. No person shall obstruct others in making photo/film shoots for private purposes. Tripods and flashlights shall not be used unless an application has been submitted and prior permission granted.
    13. Visitors should take ownership over their personal safety during the visit and heed the instructions of Museum staff. The Museum is not liable for any accident caused to the visitors, including, among others, loss of personal belongings or bodily harm.
    14. Visitors who feel unwell or are involved in an accident should seek assistance from Museum staff at once.
    15. Visitors should take care of their personal belongings. The Museum is not responsible for the safe custody of any personal belongings brought to or left in the premises, nor does it accept any liability for loss of any such belongings.
    16. If any person acts or behaves in such a way that causes nuisance to other visitors, Museum staff has the right to terminate his/her visit and ask him/her to leave the Museum immediately.
    17. No person shall wilfully obstruct members of Museum staff in the performance of their duty, or wilfully obstruct, disturb, interrupt or annoy any other visitors in the use of the Museum or of any of the facilities provided therein.
    18. Visitors shall not throw articles, use foul language or behave in a disorderly manner in the Museum.
    19. No loudspeakers shall be used in the Museum without permission by Museum staff.
    20. The Museum is equipped with security cameras for surveillance and recording purposes.
    21. Do not touch, take or use any exhibition facilities and equipment without approval.
    22. Smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed in the Museum.
    23. No animals, except guide dogs, are allowed in the Museum.
    24. If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above is hoisted on the day of visit or during the course of the visit, the Museum will be closed and all group/individual visits cancelled. No compensatory arrangements will be made by the Museum for another visit. Applicants have to submit a fresh application online. The Museum will remain closed that day if the warning signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing time.
    25. If Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is in force before the normal opening time, the Museum will not be opened until the rainstorm warning is cancelled. The Museum will remain closed that day if the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before the normal closing time.
    26. All persons admitted to the Museum shall observe the above terms and conditions to ensure a smooth visit as they have indicated their agreement to the rules when submitting their applications. The Museum reserves the right to amend the above terms and conditions without prior notice. The Museum also reserves the right to decide on the final interpretation of these terms and conditions, as well as the right to accept or reject any applications.
    27. We welcome your comments on our services, and we take complaints very seriously. If you have any comments, please approach the Museum Reception in person, or contact us on FSD Hotline (852)2723 8787, by email at, by fax on (852)2311 0066, or by post to the Fire Services Department Headquarters, 1 Hong Chong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
    28. For information about the privacy policy of the Fire Services Department, please visit our website at the following URL:
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